How healthy is your organization?

Diamond agile is an approach to measuring how well an organization is doing. It is the result of decades of experience and research. Diamond Agile can be used in any organization to quickly get meaningful insight based on data. We analyze performance of teams, management and processes.

What is diamond agile?

Diamond Agile is a way of looking at organizational health from 5 different perspectives. Associated with each perspective are metrics. These metrics have been selected from hundreds of metrics as the best fit.

Diamond Agile offers tools, training and consultancy to help you: 

  • get more value at lower cost
  • get happy and hyper productive employees
  • deliver great quality really fast
  • deliver exactly what customers want
  • adapt to a competitive environment

Why use diamond agile?

Diamond Agile offers all of the above. It can be used by any organization. 

It is independent of tools and methods. Instead, Diamond Agile focuses on tangible results based on data.

Facets of diamond agile