Are you tired of average?
Almost all teams waste 95 to 99.9% of their time on activities that add no value. So, being average means you are wasting your time as well. And it sucks.
Good people leave, work is tedious and slow, customers are unhappy and you don’t see how you can change it.
Living in a work culture that doesn’t create value is a choice. Make a different choice.
Want to know how we do it?
Included in our consultancy offers is 1 year free use of the Lightning Assessment.
That way you can easily track that we are actually helping you improve.
Get started
Get higher value for lower cost. Let us help you optimize your processes.
In the process track, we focus on self-organization, conscious waste, concurrency and transparency.
High quality and fast delivery is what we aim for in the technical track.
Key areas are continuous delivery, monitoring, defects and code quality.